Our Experience Built Systems to Clean Air Ducts and Air Vents of All Sizes and Scope

Call For A Quote Today


Duct Cleaning - AfterDuct Cleaning - Before
A home air duct, Before and After


Consumers should beware of “blow-and-go” firms who use scare tactics, bait you with a price of $49 to $149 for “whole house duct cleaning” only to switch their pricing once they arrive.

The fact of the matter is that these types of companies really can’t do a good job, even if fully trained.  The problem is they lack the proper equipment. The purpose of the special isn’t to thoroughly clean you air ducts and vents, but rather they use duct cleaning as an entry into your house to sell you more expensive services for your HVAC system.

Most of these firms send only one person, not in uniform, and equipped with no more than a shop vacuum. Before you let these people into your home, we suggest that you call them back and ask the following four questions:

1. What is your procedure and does your vacuum equipment develop power of at least 1,500 cubic feet of air per minute?

2. How long do you estimate it will take to properly clean my system and ductwork?

3. Are you a member of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association?

4. Will your advertised and quoted price change once you arrive.

After you ask these questions, then call us and experience the Duct Doctor Difference.

The Best Equipment

Duct Doctor's patented vacuum truck is second to none in the industry when it comes to the ability to clean air ducts and ventilation systems.

The cleaning systems on this truck are powered by the diesel engine of the truck.

The vacuum unit develops suction power capable of moving 6 to 8 times more air than the average system in residential homes.

The air compressor, also driven by the truck's engine and safely mounted inside our truck provides the power to drive agitation devices specifically selected for the type of ductwork in your home.


Duct Doctor has been a single focus Air Duct Cleaner since 1985. Technicians are uniformed and well trained by NADCA Certified Air System Cleaning Specialists.

The Best Procedure

Duct Doctor's vacuum hose can be deployed up to 200 ft. from our truck. This allows us to extract all the contaminants and debris outside your home safely into the filter compartment of our truck.

The Health Benefits

Duct Doctor was founded by Dr. Gerald Vanderpool, a board certified allergist, in order to improve the quality of indoor air by removing the allergens and other biological contaminants.

Duct Doctor Nashville is part of a leading edge company that has been providing quality source removal air duct cleaning and indoor air quality improvement services in the home and in the work place since 1985. We have the best equipment, the best procedure and 26 years of experience.